Elementary Ed Web Page

McDaniel College Education Department Field Placement Office

Gay Jewell Love, Elementary PDS Liaison



Web Link Bibliography    Are you looking for information about CCPS, MSDE, PDS, teacher certification requirements, VSC outcomes when writing lesson plans, author websites, etc?  Check out these websites. Categories include: Education Partners, CCPS Elementary Professional Development Schools, Intern Information, Elementary Content, General Education Resources, State and National Standards, and Professional Education Organizations.  http://www2.mcdaniel.edu/slm/student/loveg/lovebib.htm


Best of Search Engines  Use these top rated search engines when surfing the internet to easily find general information, elementary content, lesson plan ideas, graphics, and more.  Categories include: General, Directory, Education, Kid Safe, Meta Search and Multi Media search engines.  http://www2.mcdaniel.edu/slm/student/loveg/loveseng.htm


Journal Article Review “What’s Ahead in Ed Tech” is an article that shares six pressing issues that affect future technology.  The author shares recommendations, such as encouraging students to provide their own technology devices in the schools and increased budget allocation for technology and professional development in the schools.   http://www2.mcdaniel.edu/slm/student/loveg/lovejar1.htm


Web Dropins

PDS Introduction  Elementary Teacher Candidates: Use your assigned placement site websites to gather background information about your school.     http://www2.mcdaniel.edu/slm/student/loveg/wdropin1.htm

INTASC Principles  Teacher Candidates: Using the INTASC principles write a rationale statement for one of your exit portfolio artifacts.    http://www2.mcdaniel.edu/slm/student/loveg/wdropin2.htm   


Site Population Teacher Candidates/PDS Mentor Teachers: Using demographic and ethnicity data gathered from the MSDE MD Report Card website, write a description of your school’s diversity. 



Behavior Management Tips  PDS Mentor Teachers: Read behavior management tips at these websites and create a list of management dos and don’ts to share with your teacher candidate.   http://www2.mcdaniel.edu/slm/student/loveg/wdropin4.htm


PDS Standards PDS Site Coordinators/Liaisons:  Using the MSDE PDS standards, rate your school as beginning, developing or at standard, in preparation for the summer strategic planning session.  





E-Mail Distribution List Distribution lists make communication with large groups of people easy. Here is an E-Mail, using a distribution list, sent to the interns enrolled in EDU 2015 Processes and Acquisition of Reading at McDaniel College. http://www2.mcdaniel.edu/slm/student/loveg/loveelect1.htm


E-Mail Tips McDaniel College Interns/Student Teachers: Read these E-Mail procedure and writing tips when writing E-Mail to professional contacts.  http://www2.mcdaniel.edu/slm/student/loveg/emailele4.htm


Newsletters Consider subscribing to Education World or Thinkport Weekly.  These informative newsletters for teachers share lesson plan ideas, technology integration, current education issues, new teacher tips, etc.  http://www2.mcdaniel.edu/slm/student/loveg/newsletter.htm


Elementary Lesson Plans Visit these websites to read high quality, useful elementary lesson plans for Reading, Mathematics, Social Studies and Science. http://www2.mcdaniel.edu/slm/student/loveg/lplanele6.htm


Elementary Instructional Materials  Visit these websites for mostly FREE printable instructional worksheets and materials to accompany your elementary school lessons, categorized by subject area.   http://www2.mcdaniel.edu/slm/student/loveg/workele5.htm    


Instructional Modifications Read these accommodations for autistic or visually impaired students when using the internet. http://www2.mcdaniel.edu/slm/student/loveg/insmodele7.htm    


Virtual Fieldtrips There are many fieldtrip destinations just a short drive away from Carroll County.  If you don’t have time to visit them all, consider a virtual tour of one of these destinations. Elementary fieldtrip units: dinosaurs, transportation.  http://www2.mcdaniel.edu/slm/student/loveg/fieldtrip.htm   



`           Internet Filtering Read 5 pros and cons for filtering student internet access. Follow these grade level guidelines. http://www2.mcdaniel.edu/slm/student/loveg/intfilter.htm 



Clip Art View my recommended clip art sites for teachers and students to use.   Add regular or animated clip art to your lesson support materials. http://www2.mcdaniel.edu/slm/student/loveg/clipartel11.htm


Presentation Online View a Power Point Presentation of an overview of the McDaniel College Professional Development Schools.    http://www2.mcdaniel.edu/slm/student/loveg/pdselect2.htm


Sounds on the Web View a Power Point Presentation of the McDaniel College PDS Partners in Action.  It will give you a glimpse into the lives of the elementary education minors.  If the sound does not work during play, view it as a PPT file, rather than a web file.  http://www2.mcdaniel.edu/slm/student/loveg/pdspartners2.htm



Internet Hoaxes Read about some internet hoaxes, myths, and urban legends.  Follow these simple guidelines for recognizing a hoax and authenticating a suspicious e-mail.  http://www2.mcdaniel.edu/slm/student/loveg/inthoaxes.htm      



Online Shopping Shop wisely and save money by using this online shopping guide. Categories include: browsing, comparison shopping, gift certificates, product reviews, and surplus and clearance.   Before making a purchase read the online shopping safety tips. http://www2.mcdaniel.edu/slm/student/loveg/shopele3.htm


Subscription Databases  Hoover Library at McDaniel College has a large number of professional journals in their database.  Here are the abstracts and citations for some interesting articles about pre-service teachers.  Use your college ID barcode number for access. http://www2.mcdaniel.edu/slm/student/loveg/journaldata.htm


Internet Course Module

Blogs Create a blog (web log) for your classroom using one of these blog websites.   http://www2.mcdaniel.edu/slm/student/loveg/blogcapsule.htm