Internet Filtering



Filters prevent access to pornography, hate speech, graphic violence, criminal activity, some health issues, alcohol, and other inappropriate topic websites.

Filters do not allow students to use their own judgments in determining what sites are appropriate, thus limiting their intellectual freedom- First Amendment rights. .

Filters can be customized to block a high or low level of sites.  Filters can be adjusted to your needs- filter by keyword, category or by URL address.

Filters set at high restrictive levels prevent student access to many important sites, especially health sites.  

Filtering is similar to censoring certain books from the library. 

Filters don’t work effectively.  The filters can not keep up with the growing number of websites and the techniques companies use to circumvent the filters. 

Many filtering companies give adults a password to be able to override the filter if they feel a specific site is appropriate.

Many filtering software companies will not provide a list of blocked websites so that librarians/ teachers can preview the list to determine if their filters are set appropriately to their standards. 

Access to inappropriate websites may desensitize students.

Filtering software can give a false sense of security to parents and teachers.  Students need supervision when accessing the internet. 


Teaching students how to research on the internet is an extension of teaching research skills using text materials.  Teachers need to provide modeling and guided instruction using the internet before students work independently.  Consider these guidelines for using the internet:

*    Primary grades (PK-3) should not have free access to the internet.  All sites should be accessed through specific links provided by the classroom teachers and school media specialists.  All sites should be prescreened.


*    Intermediate grades (4-6) should have guided searches of the internet for specific topics using specific kid-safe search engines, such as Yahoooligans.  Concept keywords and/or categories should be preselected.


*    Middle school grades (7-8) should be able to independently access the internet using their own keywords, through specific search kid-safe search engines and be taught how to evaluate a website.


*    High school grades (9-12) should have more freedom when accessing the internet 


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