Department of Foreign Languages at McDaniel College (formerly Western
Maryland College) invites you, your students, and anyone who is
interested to attend the 12th anniversary of the annual German-American
Day on Tuesday, October 17, 2006. Here are some new options this year:
workshops on various aspects of life and culture of German-speaking
countries will be offered by McDaniel College professors and advanced
German students, professors from other colleges, high school teachers,
and other professionals from the community, the German, Austrian and
Swiss embassies.
Click on the link "List of Workshops" on the left to find more about all the workshops that were offered last year. Choose only 1 workshop per person from only one group, either Group 1 (workshops 1-15) or group 2 (workshop A-K). PLEASE DO NOT SIGN UP ANYONE FOR MORE THAN ONE WORKSHOP. Maximum of 4 students per school per workshop.