Standard 2:

Teaching and Learning

My Mission: "To inspire in each student a lifelong quest for knowledge and literature, instilling the tools needed for success in an ever-evolving academic world.

Web Site Templates




Objective 1: Knowledge of Learners and Learning

Objective 2: Effective and Knowledgeable Teacher

Objective 3: Information Literacy Curriculum


Genscope - In this incredible program you can look a dragon DNA and then crossbreed them to discover how their genes are passed on from one generation to the next. You can also look at pedigrees, mutations, and sex-linked traits and diseases.

The Pyramids of Egypt - Discover the pyramids of Egypt from home. Travel though the maze of paths and tunnels to discover what lies below those magnificent pyramids. A research pathfiner is also available to find out more about mummies.

Biomes of the World - Desert vs.Tundra, Rainforests, Deserts - Could places so different be really more alike than you think? Click on these lessons to find out more:

Shipwrecked - Travel through some of the most famous shipwrecks of the world oceans. From Blackbeard the Pirate to a miltary submarine, you can see it all from your own computer.

Howard County Media Curriculum Chart - A simplified chart of the middle school media curriculum. I have also included a print version for teachers and parents.

Mrs. Bailey's Web Site - I use this web site so students can keep track of their science class and homework assignements each quarter by clicking on this site:

My Media Web Site - This is what my web site would look like for my School Library Media.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at Ann Bailey