Modern World Cultures

Finding the Basics on the Web

In this semester we will be studying modern African culture and events, the nuclear programs existing throughout the world, and the cultures and terrorist acts around the globe.

But before we can get started,  it is important that you know the basic information about these countries
and their cultures.  In this activity, you will be visiting a website created by the US government and recording
information that will be important as we further our study of the countries and cultures.

World Factbook Coverpage-Go to the The World Factbook, a guide put together annually by the CIA.
   The web address is:
-Choose one of the pairs of countries from the list below
    A) South Africa & Rwanda
    B) Iran & Pakistan
    C) Indonesia and Bangladesh
-Access the country's information by selecting the country in the pull-down menu
-Copy and paste the following questions into a Word Document
-Answer each question for both countries of the pair of your choice

1) What is the population?
2) What is the population growth rate?
3) What are the major religions?
4) How many Internet users are there?
5) List in bullets any international disputes the country may have
6) What percentage of their population is below the poverty line?
7) Write a brief paragraph commenting on what you learned about these countries that surprised you. Did you think they would
be more similar? Or more different? Did you have any preconceived notions about these countries that you realized were false?
8) Why do you think these two countries were paired together for this activity?

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This page was created by Sarah Hopper to complete the  "Web Dropin #1" assignment for SLM 521