Discovery Channel
Clip Art Gallery - This site is a great resource for
educators. There are about fifteen categories, including awards, foods,
holidays and sports. Images are easy to download. Kid friendly!
Images from this site
can be seen on: This
page, the image at the top of the screen!
10/30/05 -
Barry's Clip Art
Server - This site has a wide variety of clip art
images. There are over 20 categories, including entertainment,
medicine, and religion. There are animaged images. Images are also easy
to download. The site is a bit cluttered, so, while high school
students could navigate it, elementary students might have trouble.
Images from this site
can be seen on: Ten
Tips for Email Success
10/30/05 -
Mucho Fun
- This site has cute graphics, and the images can be used on commercial
sites for free. There are images and photos, and a variety of
categories. Images are easy to download and the site is kid friendly.
Images from this site
can be seen on: Cheating
Prevention Guide
10/30/05 -
Clip Art - This site is great for teachers. It has
standard images, but also has great textboxes, words and signs to use
on teacher sites. The images are easy to download and are free. The
site is kid friendly.
Images from this site
can be seen on: Search
10/30/05 -
Kids' Domain Clip
Art - This kid-friendly site has great graphics that
are free and easy to download. The images are catered to kids'
interests: there are holiday images (from Kwanzaa to Earth Day),
sports, birthday, and fairie images.
10/30/05 -
South African Clip Art - While this site doesn't
contain images relevant to mainstream America, it has a variety of clip
art valuable to South African culture, including flags, people, and
nature. The images are free and easy to download. The site itself is
kid friendly and would be great for projects.
10/30/05 -
to Index
This site was created to complete Elective 8 -
Clip Art