build the dream


What were the characteristics of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. that made him an
effective leader?  How were those characteristics affected by the events of the times in
which he lived?  How did his leadership characteristics influence the decisions he made? 
Did he lead his followers or follow their will?  What methods did he use to influence the
people and events of his times?

you have found the answers to these important questions about the life of
this great leader
through your research and activities completed for this webquest.  As
others think about the answers to these questions, perhaps it will help them to see that
building this memorial is a worthy cause.  Dr. King gave his life to make our country a
better place in which to live. You should feel proud of what you have accomplished in
this webquest.  Your creations are a reminder of just how much Dr. King impacted the
lives of people in this nation and how he continues to do so long after his death.  Maybe
they will also inspire someone to reach into their wallets to help provide the money needed
to make this memorial a reality.

“We now have an opportunity to break the trend of memorials to war and erect a monument which

delivers a message of lifelong peace in our land. A memorial which embodies not just the image of
Dr. King, but the image of America, which is often called the melting pot of the world.”

                                                                                          -John Carter
                                                                                           Senate subcommittee testimony (excerpt)
                                                                                           March 24, 1998

"Please know this, the memorial to Martin will send a message to the world that this country is a place
of inclusion, rather than exclusion. This memorial will serve as a place of peace and reflection.  It will
embody the spirit of the man and the people he came to lead."

                                                                                         -Mrs. Coretta Scott King

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