Overview of this Portfolio

This digital protfolio was developed to document my progress and growth as a school library media specialist. You will find artifacts that I developed as part of my graduate studies in the McDaniel College School Library Media Masters program or developed as a media specialist. I have also included reflections on the connections between these artifacts and the four AASL/NCATE standards.

About Me

I am an Idaho native who recently "transplanted" to Maryland. In Idaho, I taught junior high English and Language Arts for eleven years before working as an elementary librarian for four and a half years. We moved to Frederick County Maryland in the middle of the school year, so while I was looking for a job and taking classes at McDaniel I volunteered each week in the libraries at the schools my children attended. This gave me an opportunity to get to know the county curriculum and procedures. I was hired in the fall of 2005 to be the media specialist at Urbana Elementary School. In 2006, I was selected to be the media specialist to open a new middle school in the county--Urbana Middle School--where I am the current media specialist.

My Mission Statement

Creating lifelong learners who are effective and creative users of information, technology, and ideas in our global society and who possess an intrinsic love of reading.

My Vision

To produce information-literate lifelong learners prepared for the future and ignited with a passion for reading.

My vision is that the media center is the hub of the school: the center of information and an integral component of learning in each content area, producing information-literate lifelong learners prepared for the future and ignited with a passion for reading.

Today’s learners were born in an exploding information age. The old adage “knowledge is power” still holds true, yet it is seen in an entirely new context. No longer do we think of knowledge as something that can be contained. In addition, the sheer volume of information available requires more questioning and challenging than ever before. The power in today’s world and the future for today’s learners lies in the knowledge of how to effectively seek, evaluate, and ethically use information. The media center is the place to establish, model, and foster that power.

The learning environment of today’s learners is one of constant change—a factor sure to accelerate exponentially. To survive, students must be able to adapt to and welcome change in learning opportunities, including new technology. The middle school media center provides opportunities for students to acquire, practice, and use the skills necessary for high school and beyond. It also provides opportunities to model adjusting to and embracing change. The information literacy skills learned in middle school establish a solid foundation for the future.

Creating information-literate students requires a joint effort from the entire learning community. The media center offers a perfect environment for collaboration and partnership in student learning. The media center will provide ample models of teamwork—a necessary component of success in the future.

Information literate students become informed and productive citizens of democracy. Citizens of the twenty-first century live in an age of global interconnectivity and multicultural diffusion. In addition to preparing productive citizens, the media center will help facilitate and cultivate an international perspective by celebrating multicultural diversity and building understanding, tolerance, and appreciation. The materials in the media center will enable exploration and provide both windows into and mirrors of our global society.

The value of recreational reading should not be overlooked in our zeal to create lifelong learners. Lifelong readers share a passion for expanding the horizons of their imaginations and an appreciation for quality literature. Lifelong readers are true thinkers and dreamers who make correlations of ideas. The pastime of reading can also be a great escape from the demands of a twenty-first century lifestyle. My vision is to ignite and feed this passion in all students by connecting each with the right types of literature to inspire them to become lifelong readers.


My Media Center Motto

Empowering you for success!