Jan L. Granger

Standard Two   Teaching and Learning

I. Knowledge of Learners and Learning        II. Effective and Knowledgeable Teacher         III. Information Literacy Curriculum

School library media specialists are the information literacy experts in their school.  An integral part of the job of the media specialist is the teaching of skills that promote a desire to learn. As a school media specialist, I will support the learning of all members of the school community, including those with diverse learning styles, needs and abilities.  I will be an advocate for the school library media program by collaborating with teachers on lessons and projects, and by helping select reading materials for students that compliment the curriculum. I will use new technologies, including websites, databases and subscription services to integrate the information literacy curriculum with the content curriculum.

Please follow one of the numbered links above to see my artifacts and reflections on the components of Standard Two.  

Updated 4/28/2004 J. Granger