Links for the One Computer Classroom

Not sure how to effectively use the computer in your classroom? Visit the sites below to see how other teachers make good use of their classroom computer.

Here is a plan you can print to help you plan your activity.

Carroll County's Linda Burkhart has a great page with lots of ideas, including "Strategies and Applications for the One Computer Classroom"

The One Computer Classroom: Lots of ideas on how to use one computer in the classroom from Berrien County Public School District.

More ideas from Denver Public Schools

Great ideas from teachers of different grade levels using different platforms in the same room!

"Getting to Know You"  Here's a great way to use a database at the start of the school year to get information about your students to use at a later time.

Writing in the One Computer Classroom   Several good ideas for a collaborative writing project.

If you have a good idea and are willing to share it, please email and I'll post your ideas for others to use.

If using Groupwise, email Paula Sandridge

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page created 4/02