German-American Day at McDaniel College Back to GAD
October 18, 2011

Group 1: 60 minute workshops - 9:45-10:45 a.m.
1. How I survived the Holocaust Mr. Rubin Sztajer, Baltimore
2. German Anti-Hitler Resistance Dr. Armin Mruck, Towson University
3. The Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm and Disney Films Ms. Kat Dales and other students, McDaniel College
4. Carl Jung and the Hero's Journey Dr. Paul Mazerof, McDaniel College
5. The Art of Cheese Making Dr. Mary Upman, McDaniel College, Ret.
6. "Little Red Riding Hood" and "Silence of the Lambs" Ms. Meagan Pilar & Mr. Jamie McGrady, McDaniel College
7. Scherenschnitte: The Art of Paper Cutting Silhouettes Ms. Katrina Griffin, North County High School

Group 2: 90 minute workshops - 9:45-11:15 a.m.
A. German Rocks - Both Sides of the Atlantic Myra Hillburg, German-American Heritage Museum, Washington, DC
B. German Rock, Pop and Hip Hop Music Ms. Anne Marie Hanauer & Ms. Berna Erdu, McDaniel College
C. Make Your Own Marzipan - Hands On Ms. Andrea Shalal-Esa and Dr. Deb Lemke, McDaniel College
D. Fantasy Faces - The Art of Face Painting (Click on image to enlarge.) Ms. Sabine Antoniades,
E. German Cinema: From the Weimar Republic into Modern Day (Click on the link for a short description of workshop.) Ms. Lauren Rizzo, The Gilman School
F. German Folk Dance Mrs. Maria and Mr. Richard Skowronek, Verein Deutscher Trachten
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