McDaniel College 

--Exporting or saving address books from Zimbra--
From within your McDaniel Zimbra account, go to the Preferences tab, then to the Import/Export section on the left-hand side. In the Export section on the right-hand side of the screen, select Contacts and then select Yahoo! Contacts selected in the drop-down menu that appears. In the Source section, select the name of the address book that you would like to export and then click the Export button. If you have several address books that you have created in Zimbra that you would like to export, you will need to go through and select each one from the Source list and export them individually. Be sure to know where the files are that you have exported so that when you go to import them into Google, you can easily locate them.

--Importing a saved address book to Google--
From within your McDaniel Google account, click on Contacts on the left-hand side, then click on Import on the right-hand side. Click the Browse button to navigate to the saved address book file that you created in the instructions above, then click the Import button below to start the import process. Now you should have all of your addresses that were saved in the file in your McDaniel Google address book.

--Exporting or saving calendars from Zimbra--
From within your McDaniel Zimbra account, go to the Preferences tab, then to the Import/Export section on the left-hand side. In the Export section on the right-hand side of the screen, select Calendar. In the Source section, select the name of the calendar that you would like to export and then click the Export button. If you have several calendars that you have created in Zimbra that you would like to export, you will need to go through and select each one from the Source list and export them individually. Be sure you know where the files are that you have exported so that when you go to import them into Google, you can easily locate them.

--Importing a saved calendar to Google--
From within your McDaniel Google account, click on Calendar at the top-left of the screen. Then, click on Settings at the top-right of the screen and then on the Calendars tab that appears below and to the left. Click on Import Calendar and then click on Browse to navigate to the file that you created in the step above. Once the file is selected, click on the Import button to start the import process. Now you should have all of your calendar events that were saved in the file in your McDaniel Google calendar.