German-American Day 2004 at McDaniel College Back to GAD
October 18, 2004
Workshops and Presenters
1. Deutschland: Land und Leute Mr. Thomas Wriessnig, German Embassy
2. Österreich: Land und Leute
Ms. Margareta Ploder, Austrian Embassy
3. Die Schweiz: Land und Leute Mr. Eric Amhof and Ms. Annina Luck, Swiss Embassy
4. Reporting from the USA: German Journalists in Washington, DC Panel with Various Journalists
5. Wie sagt man das auf Bayrisch Ms. Silvia Upton, McDaniel College
6. Wie sagt man das auf Schwyzerdütsch TBA
7. Wie sagt man das auf Wienerisch Mr. Niklas Troxel, McDaniel College
8. The Kindertransport During the Holocaust: Becoming a Refugee Overnight Mr. Alfred Strauss, Baltimore
9. God, Human Suffering, and the Holocaust Dr. Ira Zepp, McDaniel College
10. Women in the Third Reich Dr. Debra Lemke, McDaniel College
11. Spoonfuls of Germany: Culinary Delights of the German Regions in 170 Recipes Ms. Nadia Hassani, Cook Book Author
12. Make Your Own Gingerbread Hearts Ms. Andrea Shalal-Esa, Westminster
13. The Art of Cheese Making With Samples to Taste Dr. Mary Upman, McDaniel College
14. The STASI: The Notorious Secret Service of Former East Germany Ms. Jody Christophe, River Hill High School
15. Sigmund Freud and Psychoanalysis Dr. Paul Mazeroff, McDaniel College
16. The Making and Breaking of the Berlin Wall: 1961-1989
Ms. Shirley Santora, Chesapeake HS
17. Partners Across the Atlantic: German-American Grass Roots Diplomacy Mr. Buck Lyon-Vaiden, McDonogh School
18. Swapping Stories - Youth Culture in Germany and the USA Denny Grunemann, Jen Kraeer, McDaniel College
19. Munich, the Cultural Heart of Bavaria
Dr. Greg Alles, McDaniel College
20. Berlin, the Capital of Unified Germany Mr. Stefan Brunner, Goethe-Institut Washington
21. Study Abroad in German-speaking Countries Dr. Colette Henriette, McDaniel College
22. Careers and Internship Opportunities that use a Knowledge of German
Mr. Phil Upman, Retired Career Specialist
23. "Scherenschnitte: The Art of Paper Cutting Silhouettes" Ms. Kathy Gearhart & Ms. Juliska Slota, Severna Park HS
24. The ABCs of Portrait Drawing Ms. Katja Mychajlyshyn, McDaniel College
25. Games Germans Play: Learn how to play "Doppelkopf" and " Siedler," two games that has taken the world by storm Ms. Heidi Wheeler, Ms. Anita McChesney, Ms. Annette Budzinski-Luftig, Johns Hopkins University
26. German Contemporary Music between Pop and Punk Mr. Arndt Niebisch, Ms. Deborah McGee Mifflin, Johns Hopkins University
27. German Folk Dance  Mrs. Maria and Mr. Richard Skowronek, Verein Deutscher Trachten
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