Michelle J. White
                                                                                                                SLM 521
                                                                                                                March 5, 2005


    With the vast amount of information on the Internet, it is important to know how to conduct a search
that produces useful information in a timely fashion.  Here are some helpful hints to guide web users'
search needs by effectively using a search engine's features.

Computer MagnifierTIP #1 - Narrow your search by typing exactly what you want.  If your search topic is too
you will have to sift through a bunch of pages that are not quite what you

                       Pretend you want to find some information about Painted Lady butterflies. Type
                       in the following entries in a search engine (for suggestions visit, my link of   
                       recommendations):  butterflies     Painted Lady butterflies.  Which entry
                       produced the better results?  Why do you think so?
Computer MagnifierTIP #2 - Use quotation marks around words that appear together.  This is especially useful
                     in a proper
like Painted Lady butterflies because it is the name of a particular
                     species of butterfly.  Without the quotation marks, results will include everything that
                     has the word "painted" as well as everything that has the word "lady" in it.  These
                     hits will have nothing to do with Painted Lady butterflies.  Some search engines
                     also allow you to enter what you want in the EXACT PHRASE box and not the  
                     WITH ALL box in an advanced search.

Try entering  Painted Lady butterflies and "Painted Lady butterflies" as search topics. 
                        Which produced the better result and why?
Computer Magnifier TIP #3 - Use a "+" to INCLUDE words and a "- " to EXCLUDE words.  This is useful to
                      narrow a search where some of the words may produce unwanted results.  For
                      example, suppose you wanted to find out information about Johnny Appleseed,

                      but you wanted true facts about his life as opposed to the tall tales about him.  
                      Many search engines assume that the "+" is there by just typing the word
                      and automatically include it in the search.

Go to your favorite search engine.  Enter "Johnny Appleseed" as a search and then
                        enter +Johnny +Appleseed +biography -"tall tale".  What was the difference in your
                        results?  Which produced the better search results and why?
Computer Magnifier TIP #4 -  Use all lowercase letters in your searches.  If you type an uppercase first letter,
                       many search engines will only produce results of that word with the first letter
                       in uppercase form.  By using lowercase letters, the search results will produce
                       relevant results that may have otherwise been missed.

Do a search of "life cycle of the butterfly" and then search with "Life Cycle of
                         the Butterfly"
.  Was there any difference in the results produced by each search?
                         Which was the better search in your opinion and why?
Computer Magnifier TIP #5 -  Avoid searching for the plural form of a word.  When you enter the plural, your
                       search becomes more narrow than it needs to be and eliminates results that
                       could be useful for your needs.  By entering the singular form of a word followed
                       by an " * ",  you are able to to catch other variations of a word as well as different
                       forms of a verb. 

Try the following searches in your favorite search engine:  butterfly*   butterflies
Which search produced the better results?  Explain why you think so.

Computer Magnifier TIP #6 -  Including a "title" tag in your search can improve the focus of your search. A
                       simple search locates words anywhere on a web page.  If you want to find
                       a page that is about one topic, look for pages that have those topic words
                       specifically in the title.

Use the following terms to conduct two different searches:  "life cycle of the butterfly"     
                        and       title: life cycle of the butterfly.  Explain the differences in the results of these
                        two searches.

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