Michelle J. White
                                                                                                                 SLM 521
                                                                                                                 April 9, 2005

Web Safety Education Checklist

___   Do you keep personal information to yourself?  NEVER give out  your address, telephone
          number, your parents' work address/telephone number, and/or the name and location of your

___   Do you know that you should immediately tell your parents or a trusted adult if you see things on the   
          Internet that make you feel uncomfortable?  This includes someone online asking you to meet them
          in person.

___   Do you know that you SHOULD NOT respond to received messages that are rude, mean, or in any 
          way make you feel uncomfortable?  It is not your fault, and you should tell your parents or a trusted
          adult immediately.
___    Do you practice being a good citizen on the Internet by not doing things that are against the law
           or that hurt other people?

Keep a copy of these tips next to your computer.
After CAREFULLY reading this agreement, tear off this bottom portion and return it to your teacher with signatures.

Acceptable Use Student Agreement

Using the Internet at school as a tool for learning is a privilege.  So that I may always have this valuable privilege, I agree that I will NOT participate in any of the following:
  • tampering with any parts of the computer systems or damaging the equipment.
  • trying to decrypt passwords and/or to gain unauthorized access to areas where it has been denied.
  • attempting to read, delete, copy, forge, or change other people's e-mail or going into their private computer files.
  • saying, doing, or publishing things that are untrue, include hate speech, or promote violence.
  • using language, pictures, or materials that are obscene, vulgar, abusive, or harmful to others.
  • intentionally trying to introduce viruses into the computer systems.
  • allowing other people to use my e-mail address, account, or password.
  • using commercial websites, sending chain letters, or playing non-educational games.
  • copying or transferring copyrighted materials and software without permission.
  • giving out personal information that can identify students or staff without permission.
  • using school networks or computer systems for personal gain or illegal activities.
The consequences for engaging in any of the above activities include, but are not limited to, a telephone call to my parents or guardians, a loss of my computer privileges, payment for
damaged equipment, suspension and/or expulsion from school, and/or criminal prosecution.

By signing this agreement, I declare that I have CAREFULLY read the entire document
and fully understand its contents.

____________________________________      _____________________________________
Student Name (please print)                                   Name of Parent(s) (please print)    

____________________________________      _____________________________________
                      Student Signature                                                        Parent(s') Signature(s) 


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