Michelle White's Digital Portfolio


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Standard 1 Standard 2 Standard 3 Standard 4

STANDARD #3:  Collaboration & Leadership

OBJECTIVE:  Instructional Partner

INDICATOR: Candidates acknowledge the importance of participating on school and district committees and in faculty staff development opportunities.


"Learning is finding out what we already know. Doing is demonstrating that you know it. Teaching is reminding others that they know just as well as you. You are all learners, doers and teachers."

~ Richard Bach (novelist)

During the 2005-06 school year, I participated on my school's technology committee as is indicated in Artifact 1.  As a grade level representative, my role was to serve as a communication liaison to my fellow grade level teachers regarding all technology-related issues that impacted instruction and the school at large.  Our school was scheduled to go through the Technology Modernization Program in the 2005-06 school year, and our school district established a committee of core technology teams.  Our school's team had 6 members on the committee which included our media specialist, media assistant, principal, staff development teacher, technology committee co-chair, and technology committee member.  Because the committee chairpersons knew of my aspirations to become a school library media specialist, I was asked to be the technology committee member representative that would be a part of the Core Technology Team.  Artifact 2 outlines what was expected of each of the school's core teams.  We had to receive staff development training over the summer and throughout the year as well as provide training to our school staff. 

Artifact 3 is an agenda of a follow-up training that the media specialist and I provided as tech core team members for our school staff.  We supplemented our training with handouts for items 2-4 on the agenda.  The components on the application menu included Pair-It Books and Type-2-Learn.  I also provided an overview for our staff on how to use Kidspiration and Mighty Math, which were a part of my summer training.  As both a professional development participant and a staff trainer, I got to experience indepth firsthand exposure to all of the latest technology tools that were going to be made available to staff members throughout the school district.  Participating in committees and staff development opportunities has better equipped me to function effectively in the media specialist roles of teacher, instructional partner, and information specialist.





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