Michelle J. White
                                                                                                                                SLM 521
                                                                                                                                Internet Course Module
                                                                                                                                April 23, 2005



    Objective - Students will be able to navigate the functions of specific browser applications.

Objective - Students will be able to summarize their knowledge of web browser features.

Introduction - Are you a student who is taking your first online course?  Have you just bought your
                              first computer and have no idea where to begin?  Maybe you've had your computer for
                              a while, but haven't gotten your money's worth because you don't know all of its
                              capabilities.  Your computer is loaded with
a web browser, which is the software
program you use to locate and display pages on the World Wide Web.  Once you start
                              "driving" on the Information Highway, the possibilities are endless as to where you'll
                              travel.  Your web browser can help you along your journey once you gain an
                              understanding of some of its basic and more advanced components.

Activity -  There are several web browser features that perform different functions.

                                        Carefully review the features of web browsers from the Learn the Net tutorial page

                                        Complete ALL portions of Welcome to the Web's interactive tutorial on web
                                         browsers - 
Assignment -
Read some of the pages from The Important Book by Margaret Wise Brown                                          (copyright 1949). Notice the pattern used to describe a cricket.  Using this pattern as a
                              template, create a summary of what you have learned about several web browser features                                    using the pages in The Important Book as an example.  Your summary should have at                                             least eight facts that each explain a different web browser feature. The beginning and                                            ending lines should be stated in a manner similar to the pages in
The Important Book.
                              (i.e. The important thing about web browsers is that they are loaded with lots of
                              useful features......But the important thing about web browsers is that they are loaded
                              with lots of useful features.)

Submission - Save this assignment as a word document and e-mail it to the
                               instructor as an attachment.

 Other Sites - Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 Overview developed by the Montgomery County (PA)
Intermediate Unit for the Link to Learn Professional Development Project
                              - http://pd.l2l.org/pdf/ie5.pdf

                              Using Internet Explorer 6 is a web browser tutorial offered by the State University of
New York at Albany - http://library.albany.edu/internet/ie.html

An Online Learner's Guide to getting started with web browsers 

RUBRIC Minimal Developing Accomplished
The format in no way resembles the pattern
established in
The Important Book.
The format somewhat
matches the pattern
established in
The Important Book.
The format closely matches the pattern established in
The Important Book.
The summary contains fewer than 5  facts. The summary contains
5  - 7 facts. Each fact is
about a different web browser feature.
The summary contains 8 or more facts. Each fact is
about a different web
browser feature.

Few or none of the web browser features
are correctly described/explained.
Most of the web browser features are correctly described/explained. All of the web browser
features are correctly described/explained.

This course activity addresses the following ISTE Standards:
                              I. TECHNOLOGY OPERATIONS AND CONCEPTS
Teachers demonstrate a sound understanding of technology operations and concepts.

                             A. demonstrate introductory knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts related to
                             technology (as described in the ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for

                             A complete listing of all ISTE standards can be found at: National Educational Standards
for Teachers - http://cnets.iste.org/teachers/t_stands.html

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