Mrs. Vilella's

Top websites for creating 3rd Grade

rubrics, worksheets, puzzles, and activities!

Sick of spending all of your time creating quality rubrics, worksheets, puzzles, and activities?  Check out the sites below for some help!

Best Rubric Creating Websites


Rubistar is a free tool used to help teachers create quality rubrics.  You can create your own rubric or search through rubrics that have already been create to find one that works for you.  There are templates for various subject levels to get you started.  This site is very user friendly and easy to follow.  You can save your rubrics by becoming a registered user, which is free!  Try out the tutorial to get started.

Check out a rubric that I created for a 3rd grade Native American  Project.


Rubric Builder-

Rubric Builder is another free tool used to create rubrics.  All you  need to do is pick how many objectives and indicators you are assessing and Rubric Builder sets up the format for you. You can create an access code so that you can save your work and use it over and over.  In my opinion, Rubistar is a little easier to use, but they are both great resources.


Quality Math and Language Arts

Worksheet Creating Websites


A+ Math has a great variety of worksheet options.  You can generate your own worksheets by simply choosing the topic that you are focusing on such as addition, subtraction. multiplication, division, fractions etc.  then choose the number of problems you would like and the level of difficulty.  Click create and you are ready to print out your worksheet!

Kids Numbers has a great worksheet generator.  This is a great site to develop worksheets for your basic math facts.  You can chose the number of problems, type in your own instructions, and pick the operation you would like students to practice.  Click create worksheet and you are ready to print out your creation.  These worksheets would be great to use for a timed fact drill especially when practicing multiplication facts.



This site lets you create customized worksheets in minutes!  You can use math and vocabulary templates to create multiple choice, matching, and fill in the blank worksheets.  Search the Worksheets to Go section to print out teacher made worksheets in a wide variety of curriculum areas.  Register for free to be able to save your work and gain access to even more useful teaching tools.


School Express-

School Express offers a wide variety of free worksheets in many content areas for ages 3-10.  These worksheets could be great review or reinforcement for 3rd graders.  I found that the mathematics and Language Arts sections had the best selection of worksheets to choose from.


Busy Teachers Cafe-

Busy Teachers Cafe has a great selection of free worksheets and reproducible activities for your classroom.  You can chose from many topics including reading, language arts, writing, math, and graphic organizers.  I love the graphic organizer section.  There are many great reproducible organizers that can be used to keep 3rd graders thinking!

This site has access to 6,500 free printable worksheets.  There is a little bit of everything on  There is a rubric generator, graphic organizers,  and even a Time Saving Worksheets section to help teachers stay organized and connected to parents.  For a yearly fee you can  become a member and have access to even more wonderful resources.


Great Puzzle Creating Website


Discovery School Puzzlemaker-

Discovery School's Puzzlemaker is a puzzle generation tool for teachers. (It can also be used by parents and students.) You can make word searches, hidden messages,  math squares, and number blocks among many others.  This is a great tool to use for spelling and vocabulary words or to practice math skills.  Just follow the steps, create your puzzle, and print it out!


Best Activity Website

Education Place Activity Search-

This site has an extensive list of activities broken up by theme or topic.  Each activity is described in detail with a list of materials needed to teach the activity.  The grade levels that the activity were designed for are also posted.  There are quite a few Native American and Recycling activities posted that would work well in the AACPS 3rd grade curriculum.