Mrs. Vilella's

3rd Grade

Native American Project



As part of our Social Studies unit on Native Americans, you will be completing a project at home.  You will be assigned a Native American tribe and you will be required to write a short report to inform others about that tribe.  You will need to tell about where that tribe lived, what types of food they ate, what style of clothing they wore, and describe what their homes looked like.  You will be given some basic information about your tribe, but will need to spend some time on your own gathering references and organizing your ideas.  You will be required to compose a draft, type or print a final copy, and also create a model of your tribe’s home. (i.e.  longhouse, teepee, wigwam, etc.)  You may use any type of materials to complete the model of your tribes home.

With your parents permission, you may want to search for information on your tribe using the Internet.  Every search engine is different, but below I have listed some tips to help make your search easier and more productive for you.


3rd Grade Search Tips


1.  Be specific-

Instead of typing Native Americans try typing your specific tribes name.




2.  Make sure you have spelled your tribes name correctly.  If you did not spell it correctly you may not get the correct search results.


If you spell Sioux Indians like the girls name Sue, you will not get correct results.


3.  Enter words that you think will be on a web page you want.


Sioux Plains Indians


4.  Use the + symbol to have the search engine search all the words you have entered not just some of them.


+Sioux+ Plains+ Indians


5.  Use the - symbol when you want pages with one word but not another.


If you wanted to learn about Indians, but not the Sioux you would type in Indians -Sioux.

This may also be helpful once you start to get results.  If you see a lot of a certain word that you do not want in your search use the - symbol to get rid of it in your search.


6.  Use quotation marks to find pages with only that exact wording.


"Sioux Indians"

This would result in only the pages that say exactly Sioux Indians.


6.  Use an asterisk (*) to get more than one form of the word.


 Sioux Indian*

This would also give you other forms of the word Indian such as Indians.


7.  If you feel comfortable you may combine the +, -,  *, and quotation marks to get a clear search.

8.  Look for sites that have the key words you are looking for in the title.


The site title Sioux  would probably give a great deal of information about the Sioux Indian tribe.


Remember- Each search engine is different, you have to be patient and keep trying different searches until you come up with what you are looking for.