Noelle S. Vilella

Course Module

Digital Music Online




Turn it up!  What better way to relax and enjoy yourself then listening to your favorite tunes!  Remember the days when you used to have to go out of your house to buy the latest 8 track, cassette, or CD of your favorite music group or artist?  Those days are long gone.  The music industry has taken a huge leap into the world of technology!  You can go to sites such as iTunes, Yahoo Music Store,  Napster,  and Rhapsody to meet all of your music desires.  

Remember when you would purchase an entire album just because you loved one song to find out that there wasn't even one other good song on the entire album.  Problem solved!  Today you can get just that one song.  You can create your own play lists to suit your needs.  The possibilities are endless.

However, there are a few downfalls.  You will find very little digital music out there that is free and some sites are only compatible with specific digital music players.  It is important to do your research when you are looking for digital music or thinking of purchasing a digital music player.



Explore some of the many digital music sites available and  read  reviews about these sites.

Check out the links below:

            Let's Buy Some Music Part 1  


            Subscription Music Services Compared Part 2    




Construct an Online Digital Music Guide in table format.  Choose any 5 of the digital music stores available, write a brief description of the site, the music players it is compatible with (if available),  cost, and the pros and cons of this store.  At the end of the guide include which digital music store you think is the best and give a brief description of why.

Digital Music Store


Player Compatibility







Post your activity as an html file to the web server and send your instructor an email notification containing a link to the assignment and the assignment file's URL. 


ISTE Standards-

This activity addresses the following ISTE  Standards:

I.  Technology Operations and Concepts

Teachers demonstrate a sound understanding of technology operations and concepts. Teachers:

B. demonstrate continual growth in technology knowledge and skills to stay abreast of current and emerging technologies.

II. Planning and Designing Learning Environments and Experiences

Teachers plan and design effective learning environments and experiences supported by technology. Teachers:

A. design developmentally appropriate learning opportunities that apply technology-enhanced instructional strategies to support the diverse needs of learners.

C.  identify and locate technology resources and evaluate them for accuracy and suitability.


A complete listing of all ISTE standards can be found at:

National Educational standards for Teachers -







Digital Music Site Descriptions

Less than 5 sites with very vague descriptions.

5 sites listed with minimal descriptions.

5 appropriate sites listed with clear and concise descriptions.

Cost/Player Compatibility

No reference made to either cost or compatibility.

Very brief description of costs/ compatibility.

Clear descriptions of costs/compatibility.


Pros and Cons are very vague with no detail.

Pros and cons have minimal detail.

Pros and cons are clear and detailed.


No opinion given describing which digital music provider you think is best.

Opinion given with little or no support of why you chose that provider.

Clear opinion with details supporting why you feel that provider is the best choice.


Other Sites-