
created in SLM 521
Fall 2004

Introduction:  The following links connect to activities and assignments created for SLM 521: "Telecommunications and the Internet".  Each assigment provides information relating to my content area (7th/8th grade social studies), instructional technology in addition to general education.  ENJOY!!

Article Critiques

Article Critique #1 - Critique of an article that explores the basic skills that can be developed with the help of technology by extending the "3 R's" into the "4 E's".  http://www2.mcdaniel.edu/slm/student/sayrej/article1.html

Article Critique #2 - Critique of an article about extending the ISTE standards to cover technology used outside of schools in order to promote what the article calls "Digital Citizenship". http://www2.mcdaniel.edu/slm/student/sayrej/article2.html

Required Assignments

Web Link Bibliography - Here you will discover a wide variety of links relating to 7th/8th grade social studies and education.  Whether you are a student or a teacher, you will fid these links useful!! http://www2.mcdaniel.edu/slm/student/sayrej/webbib.html

Search Engine Activity - On this site, I have made a list of what I find to be the best search engines on the net, listed by category.  http://www2.mcdaniel.edu/slm/student/sayrej/sengine.html

Copyright Activity - Here are two scenarios that deal with copyright issues and my response on their legality.  http://www2.mcdaniel.edu/slm/student/sayrej/copyright.html

Webquest- Views of Slavery - Explore the different viewpoints on slavery that initiated the division between the northern and southern states.  Create a talk show that contains "live" interviews of guests who support and reject slavery in the United States.  http:www2.mcdaniel.edu/slm/student/sayrej/webintro.html

Social Studies Webquests - An annotated list of my favorite webquests for 7th/8th grade social studies classes.  http://www2.mcdaniel.edu/slm/student/sayrej/webquests.html

Course Module #1 - Does technology enhance student achievement??  Evaluate current research that argues both sides of the issue and identify how different students are impacted by technology.  http://www2.mcdaniel.edu/slm/student/sayrej/module1.html

Course Module #2 - How can I integrate technology into MY classroom??  Find out how teachers are using technology in their classrooms to develop a list of 10 effective methods to motivate other teachers!  http://www2.mcdaniel.edu/slm/student/sayrej/module2.html

Elective 3:  Collaboration - This site helps social studies teachers who are looking for collaborative projects on the web, including international "penpals"!!!   http://www2.mcdaniel.edu/slm/student/sayrej/collabelective.html

Elective 4:  Worksheets for Teachers! - Attention social studies teachers!!!  This site will direct you to many useful pre-made worksheets, graphic organizers, puzzle-makers and MORE!!!   http://www2.mcdaniel.edu/slm/student/sayrej/elect4.html

Elective 5:  Silicon Snake Oil - On this page, I examine 5 points made by Cliffort Stohl on the negative aspects of computer use and suggest ways teachers can mitigate such claims.  http://www2.mcdaniel.edu/slm/student/sayrej/elect5.html

Elective 6:  Lesson Plans - Here, you will find a list of what I have found to be the top sites for 7th/8th grade social studies lesson plans.  There are many lessons that connect to the social studies curriculum in Maryland. http://www2.mcdaniel.edu/slm/student/sayrej/elect6.html

Elective 7:  Search Tips - Using terms/strategies in baseball, I suggest ways to improve search engine use.  http://www2.mcdaniel.edu/slm/student/sayrej/elect7.html

Elective 8:  Translation - Discover ways that translators on the Internet can be useful in different instructional situations.  Also, view an example of a translated text!  http://www2.mcdaniel.edu/slm/student/sayrej/elect8.html

Elective 9:  Field Trips - Travel back in time to Medieval Europe through four exciting and interactive field trips.  From castle life to cathedrals, students will experience how people lived in the Middle Ages while working from your classroom!! http://www2.mcdaniel.edu/slm/student/sayrej/elect9.html

Elective 10:  Internet Safety - Read a sample letter and checklist to go home to parents/guardians notifying them of how students can safely use the Internet by adhering to school guidelines.  http://www2.mcdaniel.edu/slm/student/sayrej/elect10.html

Elective 11:  Email Tips - Examine 10 great emailing tips for middle schoolers.  Encourage students to become better communicators by applying traditional letter writing skills with new email capabilities!!  http://www2.mcdaniel.edu/slm/student/sayrej/elect11.html

Elective 12:  Clip Art - Visit what I have found to be the top five sites for social studies clipart images!!  http://www2.mcdaniel.edu/slm/student/sayrej/elect12.html

Elective 13: Citing Internet Sources - I select the best website for helping high school students create citations for electronic sources.  http://www2.mcdaniel.edu/slm/student/sayrej/eelect14.html


Dropin One:  Political Cartoons - This activity shows students how to interpret political cartoons, using two linkds to examples of political cartoons in history.   http://www2.mcdaniel.edu/slm/student/sayrej/dropin1.html

Dropin Two: The Office of the President - Discover what it takes to become the President of the United States!!  Learn the qualifications and duties of the President and create your own campaign ad!!!   http://www2.mcdaniel.edu/slm/student/sayrej/dropin2.html

Dropin Three:  Comparing Population and Population Density - In this activity, students connect to charts which supply world population and population density data.  Students compare the data and then suggest advantages and disadvantages of high population/population density.  http://www2.mcdaniel.edu/slm/student/sayrej/dropin3.html

Dropin Four:  Japan and the World - Compare data on the history and geography of Japan with the United States, China, and one other country of your choice.  Great for beginning the 7th Grade unit on Japan!!  http://www2.mcdaniel.edu/slm/student/sayrej/dropin4.html

Dropin Five:  How a Bill Becomes a Law - Explore the lawmaking process used in the Federal Legislative branch of government in the United States by creating a sequence chart.  http://www2.mcdaniel.edu/slm/student/sayrej/dropin5.html