Hi! Welcome to Mrs. Plappert's Math Flash Card Web Page.  

Click on the "Instructions" button below for the directions for the game.  Basically, you choose the difficulty level and the math skills that you want to practice (addition, subtraction, or multiplication).  Then, you click on the "New player" button and enter your name.  Next, click on the green "Start game" button.  The game will ask you for basic facts and you have to click on the button with the correct fact to answer.  The game will keep track of how many questions you get right and wrong and how fast you are.  Click the red "Stop game" to end the game and record your high score!

Good luck, have fun, and enjoy the game!


Math Flash cards v1.9
Choose difficulty
Choose Math function


Player scoring:
0 sec
- - - - - - Highscores - - - - - -


Before you begin, be sure to select the difficulty setting and math function that you want. These options are at the top of the page and can only be changed after the game has stopped. The difficulty option shows the range of numbers that the problem can be constructed from, (0-10 means the problem can be from 0+0 to 10+10.

To start a session, click on the 'New Player' button. Enter your name, then click on the 'Start game' button to begin answering the problems. To answer a problem, just click on the button under the answer you want.

The game will track how many answers you get right and wrong and how long it takes you to get the correct answer (in seconds). You can stop the game at any time by clicking on the 'Stop game' button. This will put your current score in the Highscores area at the bottom.

To switch players, click on the 'New Player' button. As you switch players, the previous player's score will be added to the Highscores area.

Copyright © 2003 Patrick Lewis. All rights reserved.
Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.

Free JavaScripts provided
by The JavaScript Source


Information About the JavaScript: 

This script is a multiple choice math flash card game for addition, subtraction, and multiplication. Students can change the difficulty (how large the numbers get in the problem) and choose the math skills they would like to practice. The game also tracks their accuracy and response time. It works with Internet Explorer and Netscape 6.0. It is a great way for students to practice their basic facts and I created this page with my practicum students in mind.  The script is from The JavaScript Source web page which is linked above.