Teacher Created Websites



Rollins Interactive Classroom – This Website was created by a seventh grade middle school teacher at Roosevelt middle school. The site is designed to relate to the seventh grade middle school language arts curriculum. There are additional fun links, challenges, and suggested activities for parents.

The site provides useful activities for students to practice language arts and reading skills. Additionally, there is a page on helping the students do a guided search online.


Three commendations for the site:

1.                  The site is not visually overloaded. There are few graphics to distract the viewer, yet the site is interestingly arranged.

2.                most of the pages relate to curriculum. This is noted on the page. This lets the user know that the page is useful to help strengthen previously taught curriculum items.

3.                The worksheets are developed in pdf form, allowing for easy and accurate printing.

4.                There is a page of to let parents know what to expect behaviorally for a 12-year old.


Three Recommendations for the site:

1.                  The site has not been updated since may, 2002. the information contained on the intro page is out of date and the picture on the page is not relevant at this time. Since there have been no updates, the calendar link is useless.

2.                Each link contains only one activity. This makes for few activities for the user to utilize for practice. There should be a variety of pages for each topic. Once the student has gone to the linked page and done the activity, there is no reason to return.

3.                there is no information regarding the school. Should someone stumble upon the page they have no way of knowing where the school is. Since this page was posted to myschoolonline, there is no way to contact the author of the page for further information.





Mrs. Gore's First Grade – This page was created to be of use to her first grade students and parents. The site features current news, a monthly newsletter, and many other features for parent and student information and access.


Three commendations for the site:

1.                  The site is very accessible. The graphics are of eyore from Winnie the pooh. The are appropriate for first grade students. The graphics give the site a very friendly and welcoming feel.

2.                The first link is to an autobiography page for Mrs. Gore. She delineates her degree of education and length of experience. This is something parents often want to know but are reluctant to ask. By putting this information on her website, mrs. gore allows the parents to freely access this information.

3.                Her page links to the school’s home page. This is important to most parents. It is easier for them to go directly to the teacher’s page because this usually contains the information they seek. They do not have to find the teacher page by hunting the school’s site. With the teacher page linking to the school, the parents have the opportunity to easily access the main school page if they want.

4.                some of The site is current. The calendar lists the upcoming events for December.


Three Recommendations for the site:

1.                  the Favorites page lists links to other sites of interest to teachers. Most of these sites are subscription sites. She does not provide annotations regarding these sites. Should someone be unsure of subscribing, there is no way to know if these sites are with worth the price. Some type of annotation stating the usefulness of the site would be helpful.

2.                the newsletter hasn’t been updated since November. For a monthly newsletter to be useful to the audience to which it is directed, the newsletter should be updated no later than the 5th of the month.

3.                The organization of the links is poor. There is no way to know if the links are appropriate for students, parents, or teachers. Placing the links in categories would be helpful. Also the site is light on links for students. If mrs. gore wants this page to be used by her students outside of school, she needs to include more age appropriate links for her students.
