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Media Center Policies
Students have Media
class 1/2 hour every week.
Students are requested to return
their Media book(s) the morning before class.
Students are allowed to check out
general collection books and magazines. Students in kindergarten, 1st,
and 2nd grade may check out up to two books. Students in 3rd, 4th, and
5th grade may check out up to three books.
Books are checked out for 1 week
and may be renewed.
Students having an overdue book(s)
will be limited to the number of books they may check out.
Overdue reminder notices will be
distributed to those students who have books two weeks or more overdue.
If a book is lost, students will
be requested to reimburse the Media Center for the replacement cost of
the book.
The Media Center is open to students
from 9:00 am to 9:25 before formal classes begin. Students are welcome
to come in and select books after they have obtained permission and a
Media pass from their homeroom teachers.
At different times of the day the
Media Center is open to students and classes. The following is a list
of times and days: (List created after whole school schedule created.)
The materials you check out of the
Media Center need to be handled carefully, that way, we will all be able
to enjoy them for many years to come.
All materials in the library collection
are selected based upon the selection criteria set forth by the HCPSS
Media and Technology Office.