Tech Learning e-zine – This on-line magazine’s focus is providing
articles, reviews, and links to assist educator who are interested in integrating
technology into their standard classroom practices. Much like ‘Net Happenings’,
this e-zine lists links of interest to educators.
With the current budget cuts schools are facing, finding extra money for
programs is becoming SOP. Tech Learning includes a listing of current grants and contests of
interest to educators at all professional levels. Tech Learning is
published monthly. There are limited graphics which
makes this site load more quickly than most.
That Grant : Before and After Pointers by Gwen
Solom gives a grocery list of what to do before you
write a grant and helpful pointers of what to do if, after submission, you fail
to receive the grant.
E-SchoolNews –
Pick-of-the-week sites are not listed for every week, but,
there is a large list of sites relating to various educational subject areas.
When you click on an individual site, an informative description of the site
appears so you can judge the adequacy of the link before you explore further.
E-SchoolNews also lists past and present grants to
educators. Criteria for qualification of each grant is
listed, plus tips on how to apply for these grants. Funding
Opportunities for the Classroom Teacher by Debra Ward, details how the
average classroom teacher should go about looking for monetary resources on the
web. Her first suggestion is to begin with a project idea. To aimlessly search the web for contests and grants is pointless and
frustrating. She provides useable suggestions to aid in location of small
grants. – An on-line journal that is
not strictly dedicated to educators, but rather, to all those interested in
promoting education. There are various interest discussion groups available.
Links to sites of interest to educators are listed, if
one searches for “web sites” under “Articles”. Searching for articles relating
to ‘grants’, lists a plethora of titles. The following article: Obstacles
to Integrating Technology, by Hilve Firek, lists some of the problems facing educators in their
efforts to effectively use technology in their
classrooms and some of the more familiar companies that provide funding to
educators endeavoring to promote technology in the classroom.
Teacher Librarian – Contains links
to educational sites as well as articles relating to the profession. TL is published
bi-monthly. They accept manuscripts which follow APA
format for publication. TL offers
grants of $500 to their subscribers. The criteria for
application is located on the TL-Toolkit page. Marketing
Reflections: Advocacy in Action by Gail Bush and Merrilee Andersen Kwielford details their efforts to take
a more business-like approach to running a school library. Their article lists
ways they promoted their program within their school and offer suggestions to
other media specialists on how to advocate for their programs. Their advice is
to apply for every grant available - “We do not always get funded but we are
guaranteed to not receive funding for those grants for which we do not apply.”
American Library Association Online – The