Name  ____Stephanie Greene       Date   ____June 26, 2004__________


SLM 506 Informal Survey of a School Library Media Collection

Middle School


This one seems to apply very well to the middle school media so….


          1.   What is the name of the school (county) you visited?


                              Glenwood Middle School – Howard County                  


          2.   Have you ever been in this library before?       yes    


          3.   What hours on what days is the library open?            M-F 7:30 – 3pm      


General Impression


          4.   ______    Are there students in the library (if you visit when the library is open)?  Are librarians and

                  assistants behind the circulation desk or out interacting with students? 

The media center is closing down now, but students are still coming in for lunch and pull-out groups.  The media specialist is interacting with the students.


          5.   ______    Are the books neat—pushed out to the edges of the shelves? Is the area behind the circulation

desk neat?

The books are pushed in on the shelves, but otherwise straight and somewhat undusty.


          6.   ______    Do most of the books look new?


Most of the books do look new.


          7.   ______    Do you see dirty and torn plastic covers?


There are under 10 in the fiction section and about the same in the non-fiction section.


          8.   ______    Is the library welcoming?  Is it attractive?  Is it too hot or too cold?  Is it well lit?


The library is welcoming, bright and cheery and painted a “pepto-bismal” color.  It is too cold for me.  There are a lot of windows!

          9.   ______    Are posters, artwork, and bulletin boards attractive and age-appropriate?


There are displays and many colorful areas. (getting taken down now.)


            10.   ______    Are there book displays and do they grab your attention?


The book displays do grab my attention.


            11.   ______    Can students make overheads, xerox copies, and color printsouts?  How much do they cost?



            12.    ______   Do you observe any accommodations made for special needs students?  What are they?


Some of the study carrols with computers are higher to accommodate wheelchairs.  There are visual instructions for computer use.


            13.   ______    Are you introduced to the other librarians and library assistants?






            14.   ______    Are the fiction books alphabetized by the author’s last name?



            15.   ______    Are easy fiction and high school picture books shelved together or in separate sections?


Easy Fiction is in a separate section.


            16.   ______    Does the library contain any graphic novels?  Are they in a separate section?


These are displayed together but are put away for inventory purposes.  There does not seem to be a standard way to classify graphic novels so they are in various sections of the media.


            17.   ______    Are all fiction shelves labeled with the appropriate letters?


They have not been updated to reflect the large amount of new books.


            18.   ______    Are the Gary Paulsen books alphabetized by title?






            19.   ______    Are the nonfiction books in numerical order?




            20.   ______    Are all the nonfiction shelves labeled?


Yes. But not the subject areas. I think this would be a good addition even in a middle school.


            21.   ______    Is a Dewey decimal chart prominently displayed?


I would move it.


            22.   ______    Do you find books on England in the 914s and also in the 940s?


I found these books in the 920s but only a travel guide for Renaissance Europe in the 914s.


            23.   ______    In the card catalog, do you see any listings under the subject NEGRO?


The card catalog is only  organized by author or dewey.  There are no subject headings.


            24.   ______    How many instrumental and vocal music books are on the shelves in the 780s?


32 altogether.

            25.   ______    How many computer books (000s) are three years or older?


Total: 8 books; 2001-3; 1999-1; 1993-2; 1992-2

            26.   ______    List the oldest copyright date in the genetics section (599.9s).





            27.   ______    How are reference books shelved?  Are they in a separate section?  Are they available for loan?


In a separate section. Check out overnight only. Pick up at the end of the day.


            28.   ______    How many computers are available for students are in the media center?


14 on the media floor. 4 more for book searching only. 30 in the computer lab.


            29.   ______    How many databases are available to students?  What are they?


3 Databases: SIRS, World Book Online, and Gale Resource Center.


            30.   ______    Are there microfilm or microfische readers available for students?



Other Media


            31.   ______    Are there any high interest magazines available to students?


33 magazines, but due to budget cuts, going down to 12.


            32.   ______    Are audio books and videos available for checkout to students?  Where are they?


They are housed in the media office but not available for student use.


            33.   ______    Does the media center contain audio and video recording equipment?  Is it available for loan?


Yes, but only for in-house use.


            34.   ______    Are there written instructions for technology?  How are students instructed in the use of scanners,

                  digital cameras, video cameras, and other technology and software? 


There are some instructions. Students use the equipment with staff supervision or permission; usually just the GT classes.



            35.   Do you have other sources of funding for your media center needs?  What are they?


Gift books fund.  PTSA, Book Fair


            36.   How many media assistants do you have?  Are they volunteers?  Did you hire them?  What do they do?


One media assistant. One student aide each semester, parent volunteers when interested.  The aides shelve books, organize shelf cards, clean off computers, small tasks.


            37.   How many books were checked today or the day before?


None. Closing up shop.


            38.   How do you communicate with teachers?  Do you plan with teachers? Do you do any grading?


Does not give out grades. Collaborates with teachers for research units.  Newsletters are sent out with new website info and special events.


            39.   How often do you teach information literacy?  Do you make up materials or use materials that the teacher has created?


Whenever there is a research unit, information literacy lessons are created.  Usually, the specialist creates her own lessons based on the needs of the teacher.


            40.   How do you purchase books and audiovisual materials?  What selection sources do you use? 


VOYA, Science Books and Films, SLJ, LMC, BookList, Curriculum Guides, Teacher surveys.


            41.   How do you weed?  How many books do you want in popular sections such as popular culture and sports, etc.?


5% of collection per year.  The number is not a consideration.


            42.   What is your main goal or priority for this year?


700’s, Fiction weeding, Westward Expansion.


            43.   Describe the layout of the library.  Does it have the necessary components as stated in the MSDE guidelines? (See MSDE guidelines below)


This media center was recently (within 5 years) renovated based upon these standards.  The media is very accessible, with plenty of space to move around. There are quiet study areas, classroom areas, sitting areas, and a magazine rack.  The circulation area is very large. The TV studio is small but adequate.

            44.   Other comments you’d like to share?