Carrye Campbell

SLM 521

Spring 2005

Internet Course Module





Students will be able to locate and explore Internet newsgroups that pertain to a specific topic.



Students will be able to reflect upon and write about their experiences with newsgroups.




Have you ever had a question and thought, I'm sure someone knows the answer, but how do I find that person? With the Internet, you can communicate with people from all over the world who share your interests, getting answers to obscure questions that only they may know.


Newsgroups, also known as forums, revolve around specific topics, such as watercolor painting or Star Wars. You can read what others have written and post your own comments. There are literally thousands of newsgroups covering every topic imaginable--from technology, social issues, books and culture, to recreation, entertainment, hobbies and current affairs. In newsgroups you can find job postings, business and health care advice, announcements about events, referrals, political and religious discussions--even photos you can download.


How does it work? First you need a newsreader program. Both Navigator and Internet Explorer have built-in newsreader software. Do you need a newsreader? Visit the Ultimate Guide to Newsreaders.




Visit the following Web sites to learn about the proper etiquette to use while participating in Internet newsgroups. You certainly do not want to be guilty of flaming!


Netiquette -


Newsgroup Etiquette -


The Net: User Guidelines and Netiquette by Arlene Rinaldi-


Netiquette by Virginia Shea -



To read or participate in a newsgroup, you often have to subscribe to it first. Select a topic for a group that you would potentially be interested in learning more about and/or joining. Search each of the following newsgroup providers for groups that also share an interest in your topic. If you feel comfortable, join one or more groups. Be sure to use good Net etiquette.


Google Groups -


MSN Groups -


Yahoo Groups -


Lycos Discussion Search -




Go to the discussion section on Blackboard labeled Newsgroups and in approximately 350 words, discuss your newsgroup experiences. Start by briefly explaining your topic of interest, and then what the process for locating a group with the same interest was like for each of the four providers. Be sure to include the name of each group.


Your Blackboard posting should include, but is not limited to the following questions: Which provider produced the most/least groups discussing your topic? Which was the easiest to use? Which provider did you like the most/least? Did you learn anything new from any of the groups? Was good Net etiquette used in the groups? Did you post comments or questions to any of the groups?


After you have posted your entry, feel free to read and respond to other entries.


Submission – Notify your instructor by email that you have posted your entry to the discussion board.



Rubric – The Discussion Board posting will be assessed as follows:







Located, read and/or joined only one group

Located, read and/or joined 2-3 groups pertaining to a common topic

Located, read and/or joined 4 or more groups pertaining to a common topic


A brief, general statement not pertaining to Internet newsgroups

A brief summary about the exploration of newsgroups. Vaguely addresses the reflection questons

A detailed summary, at least 350 words, about the exploration of newsgroups. Reflects on the questions asked in the Assignment


















ISTE Standards

This course activity addresses the following ISTE Standards



Teachers demonstrate a sound understanding of technology operations and concepts. Teachers:


  1. demonstrate introductory knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts related to technology -- as described in the ISTE National Education Technology Standards for Students.


B.  demonstrate continual growth in technology knowledge and skills to stay abreast of current and emerging technologies.



Teachers use technology to enhance their productivity and professional practice. Teachers:


A.   use technology to communicate and collaborate with peers, parents, and the larger community in order to nurture student learning.




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