Compare and Contrast





Students will be able to compare and contrast an idea using a Venn Diagram.






Ponder the following questions:

How many of you have ever compared one thing to another?         

What does the word compare mean?

What does the word contrast mean?




Activity #1  


Students will view the website for the definitions of a Venn Diagram and answers to the questions above

Read also about the inventor, John Venn



Activity #2

Student should then view the website below.

Chose a topic you would like to compare and contrast.


You may choose to do the assignment found on the last page of the website, OR for more points be original and chose your own topic to compare and contrast.

Use the Venn Diagram provided on the following page for your assignment.



Venn Diagram completed


Written paragraphs that explain the similarities and differences of the topic chosen




















































Venn Diagram