German-American Day 2008 at McDaniel College Back
to GAD
14, 2008
Workshop: The Story of a Holocaust Survivor
Last spring Rubin and Regina Sztajer visited Governor Thomas Johnson High School in Fredrick and spoke in Ms. Mary Kaye McDonald's German classes. She taped the presentation and gave a copies of the DVD to all history and German teachers in the entire county. All who watch are as spell bound and inspired as those who see Rubin in person. Rubin Sztajer will be telling his own story in Group 1 and we thought that those who are in Group 2 can benefit from such a workshop about Rubin's story.
Ms. McDonald will lead this workshop in which she introduces the video recording and speak about the impact Rubin had on her personally and many students and teachers throughout her school and county. She will talk about some of the most profound examples which have come to her from teachers, parents, and of course students.
Each teacher attending this workshop will receive a copy of the DVD. Those interested can personally meet Rubin and speak to him at lunch.