"The Promise" (Das Versprechen)
by Margareta von Trotta, Germany 1995

for Students in my First Year Seminar: From Holocaust to German Unification

at McDaniel College, compiled by Dr. Mohamed Esa
    • Who promises whom what?
    • A love story with a political background
    • The love story as a metaphor for Germany. Explain this.
    • Discuss Sophie’s and Konrad’s motivations to leave or not to leave the GDR.
    • Describe some of the historical events that take place during the film?
    • Some East-Germans found the film “one-sided.” Explain this.
    • Describe how the East German secret police (Stasi) worked.
    • Describe life under Communism in East Germany.
    • Describe the East German protest movement.
    • The border crossing between East and West Germany was so “cold” and impenetrable. Describe one of the scenes.
    • How do Konrad and his boss react to the events in Prague (1968)? Why?
    • What would you do if you were living in East Berlin at the time between 1961 and 1989? Why?
© Dr. Mohamed Esa, Dept. of World Languages, Literatures and Cultures at McDaniel College
Send comments and questions to mesa@mcdaniel.edu Thanks!